Science Fair
Project Ideas Animals
- Do ants like sugar better than cheese?
- What types of birdseed do birds prefer?
- How does electricity affect fruit flies?
- How do different types of liquids affect fruit fly growth?
- More Animal Science Fair Project Ideas...
- What are the effects of temperature on viscosity of oil?
- Compare the pH levels in the mouths of various animals and
humans at different times of day.
- What are the effects of salt and other contaminats on the
rates of rusting?
- What are the effects of salts on the freezing points of
- More Chemistry Science Fair Project
Medicine and Health
- Is there a relationship between eating breakfast and school
- Does lung capacity depend on height?
- Do different varieties of the same fruit have the same level
of Vitamin C?
- Do Different brands of orange juice have the same amount of
Vitamin C?
- Are there different amounts of iron in different breakfast
- More Medicine and Health Science Fair Project
- Which type of nylon fishing line is the strongest?
- Compare the efficiency/effects of various lubricants on gears.
- Which homemade airplane design flies best?
- What factors affect the bounce of a dropped ball?
- How does temperature change affect the elasticity of rubber?
- More Physics Science Fair Project Ideas...
- What is the percentage of water in various fruits and
- Does music affect plant growth?
- Compare types of artificial light on plant growth.
- Do different colored lights affect plant growth?
- What are the best conditions for mushroom productions/growth?
- More Plants Science Fair Project
